challenging bot
looks like it forces >90% accuracy if the bot can see you at all?
default value: 0
fast chatting bots
bots will take time to type their random remarks, fastchat makes them send messages instantly
default value: 0
msec the bots thinks
higher values mean bots are dumber and slower
default value: 100
show jumppads
what does "show" mean for all these bot debug cvars?
default value: 0
widescreen compatibility for accuracy popup
value range: 0-3, idk what they actually do though
default value: 3
when set to 1 you can use cg_adShader[num] to replace the ad. It needs to be the name of a shader
default value: 0
if a sprite is big enough and you are close to it the quake3 engine won't draw it
default value: 0
how to handle map sounds
0: disable all sounds;
1: play all sounds;
2: disable target_speakers(I think);
3: disables looping map sounds (mimics QL's s_ambient behaviour).
default value: 2
animations will play in real-time regardless of what timescale setting is.
this includes the "pause" command (cl_freezeDemo 1)
default value: 0
idk what it does, but it's to do with CPMA's tiered armor system
probably used for HUD elements
default value: 0
0: 'fight!'; 1: like quake live -- 'attack/defend the flag'
default value: 1
Which announcer voice to use.
1: Vadrigar (Classic Q3);
2: Daemia (Female);
3: New QL announcer.
default value: 1
enable first reward having a unique voice over
Two frags in two seconds. Excellent!
default value: 1
Vote now, vote passed, vote failed
overrules cg_audioAnnouncerTeamVote if set to 0
default value: 1
whitespace separated list of weapon tokens that can be chased
default value: gl rl pg bfg gh ng pl
Automatically increase and decrease point size when scaling fonts
default value: 1
Automatically switch to the weapon you just picked up
Gameplay, not moviemaking. Delete IMO
default value: 0
Pitch the screen back and forth, scales with player speed, amplified when crouching
default value: 0
Lifetime of ejecting brass - casings from machine gun and shotgun
default value: 2500
duplicates settings (camera type, etc.) of last added camera point when adding a new one
default value: 1
adds a model showing the camera path without updating freecam origin and angles.
If both camera types are present (q3mme and wolfcamql) it will draw a model for each of them.
default value: 0
Default camera origin type (lol)
spline, interp, jump, curve, splinebezier, splinecatmullrom
default value: splineBezier
I think it's only used at the end of matches, and only in single player(?)
default value: 0
Allow camera to play even without "/playcamera" command
1: don't play commands associated with camera points;
2: play camerapoint commands.
default value: 1
When playing a camera script will seek to this many seconds before the start of the camera path in order to allow animations and local entities (rail trails, wall marks, blood, smoke, etc...) to sync up and/or appear.
default value: 0
Smoothing multiplier for "/ecam smooth
" Brugal says only values between 1.0 and 2.0 are valid
default value: 1.5
transfers origin and angles to freecam state
idk, the camera stuff confuses the hell out of me right now
default value: 1
How long to draw center print text (frag messages, disconnects? etc.)
Wolfcam has changed this to cg_drawCenterPrintTime
default value: 3
enables changing x, y, and z offsets using movement keys when cg_chaseThirdPerson is not used. Changes are based on view angles.
default value: 1
to enable updating freecam position and angles in chase mode
default value: 1
Play the little chirp on chat messages
I use this sound for my cell phone notification sound btw, I love it.
default value: 1
Minimum delay between chat beeps, in seconds
This prevents spam binds getting on your nerves.
default value: 0
Adjust how many lines of chat history are displayed while chatting or viewing the chat history.
I don't know how +chat works :(
default value: 15
How long the chat area appears on your screen every time a message is sent.
default value: 5000
Demos recorded using /devmap or offline bot play wont stutter.
Why they would stutter in the first place is beyond me.
default value: 1
Setting this to 1 will ignore settings such as cg_enemyModel, and instead use whatever was set via /clientoverride.
default value: 1
For hud files, this controls whether using color codes overrides foreground alpha setting.
default value: 0
For hud files, this controls whether white ('^7') color code forces white or uses foreground color.
default value: 0
CPMA pro-sound algorithm, only plays sounds within the Potentially Visible Set, and within 1280 units. Broadcast and speaker sounds are excepted.
0: disable;
1: use with CPMA demos only;
2: use with all demos;
3: (debug) use with all demos, and print dropped sounds.
default value: 1
Adjust the opacity of the semi-transparent bits of some crosshairs.
Values greater than 0 will make them more visible, while values lower than 0 will make them more transparent.
default value: 0
Control the brightness of your crosshair. Values below 1 will make the crosshair darker than normal, while values above 1 will shift the integer amount of the pixels toward white.
cg_crosshairBrightness 0 would turn every pixel black, while 255 would turn every pixel solid white.
default value: 1.0
Control the color of your crosshair.
Mods other than Wolfcam will use the stancard Q3 color codes only (^1, ^2, etc.)
default value: 0xffffff
Color the crosshair based on the player's health.
Fun note: CG_SHOW_HEALTHCRITICAL is hard-coded to be "< 25", but most other similarly hard-coded values are set to "> 25". This means that everything in the game thinks 25HP is "critical", except for CG_SHOW_HEALTHCRITICAL, which thinks 24HP is "critical".
default value: 0
Change the color of the crosshair whenever you hit an enemy.
default value: 0xff0000
Every time you land a shot, the crosshair will change in some way.
1: change color based on damage dealt;
2: flash red when damage dealt;
3: pulse on damage dealt;
4: pulse + damage-based color;
5: pulse + red on hit;
6: looks just like 3;
7: looks just like 4;
8: looks just like 5.
default value: 0
Length of the effect from cg_crosshairHitStyle, in milliseconds.
default value: 200
The crosshair will pulse whenever an item is picked up.
It stretches horizontally only, not vertically.
default value: 0
X-axis offset for the crosshair.
0 is dead-center on the screen, I'm not sure why anyone would want to mess with this.
default value: 0
when using r_forcemap will use the map's mirror information to add reflected scenes
test command: /addmirrorsurface
default value: 0
Choose which weapons to show damage plumes for
default value: none g mg sg gl rl lg rg pg bfg gh cg ng pl hmg
Changes how the damage plume is colored
0: always white;
1: white at 0, red at 100;
2: blue at 1-25, yellow at 26-50, orange at 51-75, red at 76-100;
3: color based on weapon used.
default value: 1
Who can see damage plumes
0: nobody;
1: only the current POV;
2: everyone.
default value: 1
0: don't alter view angles, 1: turn towards killer (like quake3 and quake live)(default), 2: keep tracking killer after you die, 3: set yaw to 0 (old behavior), 4: tilt camera like quake1
default value: 1
Prints to the console every time an animation is played, and which one
default value: 0
to print to the console the origin of the last impact mark
Also applies to player shadows (maybe fixed/removed, need to test)
default value: 0
prints distance from you to impact point in console
default value: 0
0: only print message for unknown commands, 1: print all commands and arguments, 2: only print message and arguments for unknown commands
default value: 0
Defers loading new player models to a later time
0: load player models as needed, i.e. when a new player connects (causes a small lag every time someone connects);
1: load them when you press tab, or when "/loaddeferred" is used.
default value: 0
1: Look ahead in the demo to see if there are sequential snapshots where you have some type of velocity in both snapshots but your origin hasn't changed. That means the server hasn't gotten around to playing the packets you sent, which will make demo playback jerky. A cyan bar will be drawn in the lagometer whenever this happens. Applies to demo pov as well as other players; 2: Smooth demo taker's pov using current and next snapshots (quake3 default behavior is to just use the current snapshot origin and angles without smoothing). values higher than 2: Skip this number of snapshots when smoothing. The higher the value the more robotic and unnatural movement will become. Position will become more inaccurate and it's possible to clip through walls and trigger other similar bugs.
default value: 1
0: always transition player position when using cg_demoSmoothing
default value: 1
move up steps smoothly instead of stuttering up and down during demo playback the same as is done when playing the game
default value: 1
If cg_teamModel isn't set and teammates use their own models this will prevent them from using the model set with cg_enemyModel. The replacement model is set with cg_fallbackModel and cg_fallbackHeadModel. With a setting of 1 it will also apply to first person view. With a setting of 2 it only applies to teammates and not the person being viewed.
default value: 1
Draw self on Q3 HUD, and attacker, with 3D head models instead of just player icons.
default value: 1
Ammo warning widescreen placement
0: widescreen stretch;
1: widescreen left;
2: widescreen center;
3: widescreen right.
default value: 2
Fade out the attacker warning, as opposed to popping it out immediately
default value: 1
How long to draw attacker for
(includes fade time or not? need to test)
default value: 10000
Attacker widescreen placement
0: widescreen stretch;
1: widescreen left;
2: widescreen center;
3: widescreen right.
default value: 3
Draw insanely detailed camera point info
0: disable camera point information;
1: info for wolfcamql or q3mme camera points;
2: info for wolfcamql camera points;
3: info for q3mme camera points.
default value: 1
Camera point text alignment
1: Center;
2: Left;
3: Right.
default value: 0
Change the color of the "origin" field
default value: 0xff5a5a
Camera point text widescreen placement
0: widescreen stretch;
1: widescreen left;
2: widescreen center;
3: widescreen right.
default value: 1
Centerprint widescreen placement
0: widescreen stretch;
1: widescreen left;
2: widescreen center;
3: widescreen right.
default value: 2
Which items to display on the item timer
r = red armor;
m = mega health;
y = yellow armor;
g = green armor;
q = quad damage;
b = battle suit.
default value: rmygqb
for use with demos were mega health wear off behavior can't automatically be detected
default value: 0
Item timer widescreen placement
0: widescreen stretch;
1: widescreen left;
2: widescreen center;
3: widescreen right.
default value: 3
MVD indicator alignment
1: Center;
2: Left;
3: Right.
default value: 1
MVD indicator widescreen placement
0: widescreen stretch;
1: widescreen left;
2: widescreen center;
3: widescreen right.
default value: 2
Little dot thingy in the center of the screen. There are many styles.
default value: 0
Fade out the crosshair name toward the end of its lifetime
default value: 1
How long it takes for the crosshair name to fade out
default value: 1000
Crosshair name widescreen placement
0: widescreen stretch;
1: widescreen left;
2: widescreen center;
3: widescreen right.
default value: 2
Show the health/armor of teammates when the crosshair passes over them.
default value: 0
Fade out the crosshair teammate health toward the end of its lifetime
default value: 1
How long it takes the crosshair teammate health to fade out
default value: 1000
Crosshair teammate health widescreen placement
0: widescreen stretch;
1: widescreen left;
2: widescreen center;
3: widescreen right.
default value: 2
Change the yellow "friend" triangle to red upon death for this many milliseconds
default value: 3000
Display each entity's number above it ingame
Mostly for camera tracking, client-overriding, or debugging
default value: 0
to control flag carrier icons
0: disabled;
1: show only for team flag;
2: show for both teams.
default value: 1
Show FPS info on the HUD
1: Show FPS, averaged from last four frames;
2: more precise, and use cgame time - for debugging;
3: use only current frame value.
default value: 0
Change the frag message. Supports many tokens for customization.
%v: victim name;
%q: q3-style;
%w: weapon name;
%i: weapon icon;
%a: kill accuracy;
%n: victim's country flag;
}: new line and height; %{scale
}: font scale.
Check README-wolfcam.txt for more.
default value: You fragged %v
Show a yellow arrow above team-mates' heads
1: Show through walls;
2: Only show when visible;
3: Also show through walls in freezetag.
default value: 3
Show weapons on the bar even if they haven't been picked up yet
default value: 1
Show first-person weapon model
0: Disable weapon model;
1: Show animated weapon;
2: Static model only;
3: Transparent static model;
4: Transparent model with animations.
default value: 1
Draw icons on the screen or not (for example, 2D icons while using "cg_draw3dIcons 0"
default value: 1
Show jump speeds on the HUD.
1: clear when velocity close to zero (like defrag);
2: don't automatically clear.
default value: 0
to enable drawing player key press information
Also added WCG_PLAYER_KEY_PRESS_[FORWARD|BACK|RIGHT|LEFT|FIRE|JUMP|CROUCH] hud ownerdraws. See ui/ for an example. '/loadmenu ui/' to test.
default value: 0
show player names above their heads
1: adds names above all players heads;
2: with wall hack.
default value: 0
show how many players are left for each team on the HUD
also displays the number of captured control points in Domination
default value: 1
Show "Excellent", "Impressive", etc. medals
1: Show count to the right of the icon;
2: Show count below the icon;
3: Show multiple icons, like CPMA.
default value: 1
Enable/disable drawing the team colored bar at the bottom of the hud in the original quake3 hud (cg_qlhud 0).
default value: 1
Detects prediction errors and helps to smooth these errors out over a few frames to ease jerking.
default value: 100
Force all models to use the same model as the POV player
1: All other players use the same model, but their respective team skins;
2: Ignore team skins.
default value: 0
will use 'model' and 'headmodel' settings for 1st person pov
1: Also sets team skins and colors;
2: Sets model and ignores team settings.
If model or headmodel are set to "" it will use the original player values. Setting to "" can be used with cg_forcePovModel 1 to use team settings (team colors, skins, fallback if enemy model) for demo taker's model.
default value: 0
Changes how FOV is calculated, to match with different games or screen sizes or whatever.
0: Same as quake3. cg_fov sets the actual horizontal fov and the vertical fov is adjusted according to this. This avoids stretching the ingame world view but has the effect of zooming in as the screen width increases;
1: (default) This preserves vertical fov as if the screen dimensions were 4:3. Horizontal fov is adjusted according to this. This avoids stretching the ingame world view and has the effect of showing more of the horizontal view when the screen width increases;
2: Same as quakelive. This is similar to 1 but uses fixed aspect ratios (5:4, 4:3, 16:10, and 16:9). Vertical fov is preserved and more of the horizontal view is shown as the screen width increases and passes through each aspect threshold. This stretches the ingame world view to match the highest apsect ratio matched and has an upper limit of 16:9.
default value: 0
for frag and obiturary messages controls whether icon height is based on the height of the surrounding text (leads to variable icon sizes) or on a fixed height value per font (matches quake live)
default value: 1
Whether to show the demo taker's position in the match
0: never draw;
1: (default) only for the appropriate game types;
2: always.
default value: 1
How to display the accuracy token
0: "35%";
1: "35";
2: "0.35".
default value: 0
Draw a crosshair in freecam or not
Uses "cg_drawCrosshair"'s setting
default value: 0
Roll (left and right lean) movement scaling for freecam
This is for "+rollleft" and "+rollright"
default value: 0.5
Freecam overall sensitivity scaling
not sure why 0.1 = 1, but whatever
default value: 0.1
When enabled, allows you to look beyond straight up, and essentially do a backflip
default value: 1
automatically turn off matching demo taker's screen (cg_useOriginalInterpolation 1) since it's pointless in third person. Default is 1. This also applies when using cg_thirdPerson.
default value: 1
Whether to use the player's own skin or his team's skin in freecam
1: set demo takers skin/model to match teammates;
2: same as 1, but also use pov settings (ex: showing flag taker capture point)
default value: 2
enable/disable performance optimization (2 or higher enables debugging output)
default value: 1
(1: print a message when a non low priority entity needed to be dropped, 2: print a dropped message even for low priority entities, 3: add on screen display of number of local entities, 4: additional debugging information, -1: only on screen display of number of local entities)
default value: 0
how often in milliseconds the scripting code is run. Lowering lowers performance.
default value: 25
how often to run lg impact and look the same at any frame per second value (default is 125, 0 to disable)
default value: 125
ratio of distance and size to determine if script code should be run for an entity. Lowering lowers performance
default value: 0.002
How many gib projectiles to create?
Non-Wolfcam mods will just be a toggle, 0/1
default value: 15
Controls how the help icons are shown
0: no icon;
1: icon only;
2: icon + wallhack effect;
3: wall hack effect + icon size doesn't change with distance, like Quake Live.
default value: 3
for use with hud element WCG_ONEFLAG_STATUS_COLOR and neutral flag
default value: 0xffffff
Changes the way the level timer ticks.
0: don't show timer?;
1: same as quakelive, including bugs (always count up during overtimes regardless of the settings you have chosen);
2: count up and don't reset to 0 during overtimes (ex: 14:53 is shown for duel 53 seconds into the second overtime);
3: countdown even during overtime and for matches with no time-limit use cg_levelTimerDefaultTimeLimit;
4: always count down and try to use the end of game time parsed from the demo -- otherwise use cg_levelTimerDefaultTimeLimit.
default value: 0
Controls how overtimes are counted.
0: (default) shows total overtime amount;
1: shows current overtime amount.
When cg_levelTimerDirection is 3 (always count down) this setting is ignored and it always shows current overtime amount
default value: 0
Controls how the LG beam's origin is decided.
0: like q3 ignoring step adjustments;
1: like ql/cpma beam takes out client side screen effects like step adjustment and damage kick;
2: use player angles and origin without client side effects.
default value: 1
Show a lil zappy animation when the lg beam impacts something.
default value: 1
Don't draw the impact point any bigger than it is at this distance with respect to screen size.
default value: 192
Size of lg impact when demo taker or pov gets hit.
I guess this is so the impact doesn't fill your screen when hit with LG.
default value: 0.0
Controls the LG beam visiblity when intersecting with objects.
0: like q3/ql lg beam embeds into objects;
1: lg beam with depth hack drawn over objects.
default value: 1
Changes local time? where is this even used?
0: use demo time;
1: real time).
default value: 0
Show burn marks on walls from weapon shots
Player shadows are considered marks, so if you want player shadows you also need marks enabled
default value: 1
disable client-side prediction of events
essentially, play with the full delay of your ping (not recommended for >20 ping servers)
default value: 0
Doesn't seem to do anything. Probably intended for other games with actual voice chat, like Team Arena and Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
default value: 0
Doesn't seem to do anything. Probably intended for other games with actual voice chat, like Team Arena and Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
default value: 0
Turn off for a fancy trail behind plasma balls
Renamed to "cg_plasmaStyle" in Wolfcam
default value: 1
Turn off for a fancy spiral around rail cores
Replaced by "cg_railRings" in Wolfcam
default value: 1
Turn off for a fancy secondary explosion that floats up from rocket explosions
default value: 1
For per-kill accuracy stats they will be reset if this amount of time (in milliseconds) passes and you haven't fired your weapon.
default value: 3000
Will reset per-kill accuracy when you stop firing, not when you get the kill, so that the extra shots don't carry into the next kill's stats.
Used in concert with "cg_drawFragMessageTokens %a".
default value: 1
Adds a shader effect to non-wallhacked players.
Used in concert with cg_wh to make it more obvious when a player becomes visible.
default value:
enable or disable kill counter when powerup is drawn in hud
default value: 1
Prediction for item pickups. Will play a sound when an item spawns.
When playing online, this prediction can result in you thinking you picked up an item when in reality your opponent beat you to it. Beware.
default value: 1
Add a message to the chat area indicating a player's skill rating when they connect or disconnect.
default value: 0
Changes between the classic q3 HUD and the fancy, modern, scriptable, customizable, QL HUD.
0: use quake3 hud;
1: use quake live scripted hud.
default value: 1
to enable/disable printing server centerprint messages in the center of the screen
in quakelive 'server center print' messages include things like 'player switched teams'
default value: 1
to enable/disable printing server centerprint messages in the chat area
in quakelive 'server center print' messages include things like 'player switched teams'
default value: 0
to enable/disable printing server centerprint messages in the console
in quakelive 'server center print' messages include things like 'player switched teams'
default value: 1
to enable/disable printing server messages in the center of the screen
in quakelive 'server print' messages include things like 'player disconnected', 'vote failed', and ctf flag status messages
default value: 0
to enable/disable printing server messages in the chat area
in quakelive 'server print' messages include things like 'player disconnected', 'vote failed', and ctf flag status messages
default value: 1
to enable/disable printing server messages in the console
in quakelive 'server print' messages include things like 'player disconnected', 'vote failed', and ctf flag status messages
default value: 1
Show player shadows
0: No shadows;
1: Simple blob shadows;
2: Semi-transparent stencil shadows (quite buggy);
3: Opaque stencil shadows.
default value: 1
Stereoscopic separation
"Make sure cg_stereoSeparation" is zero as that variable is deprecated and should not be used anymore.
default value: 0
Turn on the third-person perspective
This view is locked to the player, and in non-Wolfcam mods, is also locked to their view angles
default value: 0
allow changing range, z offset, and angle with movement keys
default value: 1
adjust thirdperson camera height when player crouches
default value: 1
Distance between the camera and the player in third-person mode
default value: 40
Speed at which to fade from current timescale to "cg_timescaleFadeEnd"
default value: 0
When firing the machine gun, for every 1 shot fired, this many will eject a weird little sprite from the weapon in the direction of the shot fired.
default value: 0.4
Flexibility of the LG shaft
I don't know if this has any technical application (displaying the "true" location of the LG, like cg_noPredict), or if it's just supposed to look weird
default value: 1.0
Percentage of the screen the game appears on
Remember when Fatal1ty did a little fan competition where he would play on viewsize 25, or play with just his mouse? Good, because I wish I also didn't
default value: 100
Controls how warmup time is handled by the level timer.
0: draw 0 in clock;
1: draw time in warmup and '(warmup)' string;
2: draw 0 and '(warmup)' string;
3: draw only the time.
default value: 1
Lets you change the wallhack effect to something other than "wc/wallhack".
default value:
Changes the way the HUD works. The default HUD stretches an 800x600 grid across the screen, meaning that 16:9 and higher resolutions don't get to make use of all that extra space for HUD elements.
The description is very complicated and thorough. Check README-wolfcam.txt for more info.
default value: 5
Zooming in changes your fov from cg_fov to cg_zoomFov over cg_zoomTime in milliseconds
Your zoom FOV can be higher than your normal FOV, and it will work fine as far as I know
default value: 22.5
Client setting to attempt downloading missing maps from the server.
default value: 0
This variable sets multiplier by which your "cl_yawspeed" (how fast you turn) is multiplied when running (+speed).
default value: 1.5
Specify codec to be used for AVI encoding
uncompressed, mjpeg, huffyuv
default value: uncompressed
When you take a screen-shot you select what format you would like the video card to send back. Some video cards might be faster or slower with certain formats.
default value: gl_bgra
Drop every "x" frames for final output.
This is for settings such as motion blur or fx emitters.
default value: 1
don't pass audio data to sound card when recording.
This means it won play audio while recording, but it does still record audio!
default value: 1
to allow or disable seeking with videoMap shaders
This allows timeline control of .RoQ videos, so they don't keep playing while paused or seeking backwards or whatever.
default value: 0
check for demo file in the local file system as well as wolfcam and quake live directories.
0: no check;
1: check local directory before wolfcam or quake live;
2: check if not found in wolfcam or quake live directories.
default value: 2
this is set on the command and tries to continue parsing of demo files that have errors.
Broken demo playback isn't guaranteed and setting this cvar can lead to very long demo parsing times.default value: 0
When blurring frames together for the final result blurjitter controls screen shaking between frames.
With each frame mme can slightly shift the screen to give anti-aliasing.
You can use values like 0.5 or 1.5 for sub pixel shifting too.default value: 1
default value: 1280x720 1600x900 1920x1080 1280x768 1280x800 1440x900 1680x1050
Control the brightness of map shadows and dark areas without changing too much the color and brightness levels of the lit portions.
default value: 0
Enables a visual fix of the glitchy scrolling sky floors, removing the "hall of mirrors" effect.
default value: 1
Shows a cool glow around certain entities.
1: fixes square lights;
2 original q3 code (sometimes textures have light added to the wrong side);
3 testing only determine if lighting applies in one place in the source code(???).
default value: 1
Replaces sky shaders with solid black.
0: Use level shader or r_forceSky;
1: Turn the sky black;
2: Same as 1 but don't disable portal views.
default value: 0
For screenshots, jpg image sequences, and "Cl_aviCodec mjpeg".
default value: 90
Replace all map shaders with one specified by r_singleShaderName.
1: replace all textures (including advertisements) and don't apply lightmap;
2: same as 1 but apply lightmap;
3 replace all map textures (except advertisements) and don't apply lightmap;
4 same as 3 but apply lightmap.
Weather shaders (see r_weather description) aren't replaced by r_singleShader.
default value: 0
Specifies the shader to be used by r_singleShader.
If a shader is specified and lightmaps are used (r_vertexLight 0), the shader should include a lightmap stage. See wolfcam-ql/scripts/wcmap.shader.
default value:
eliminate rain and snow
This is a hack which checks for the following weather shaders and replaces them with "wc/empty":
gfx/misc/snowdefault value: 1
needed for video recording and playback if wsapi reports more than 2 channels
default value: 1
library loading stuff?
vm_* 0 means .dll files are used (windows)
vm_* 1 means .so files are used (mac, linux)
vm_* 2 (default) means qvm files are used.default value: 0
library loading stuff?
vm_* 0 means .dll files are used (windows)
vm_* 1 means .so files are used (mac, linux)
vm_* 2 (default) means qvm files are used.default value: 0
library loading stuff?
vm_* 0 means .dll files are used (windows)
vm_* 1 means .so files are used (mac, linux)
vm_* 2 (default) means qvm files are used.default value: 0
When to play "cg_firstPersonSwitchSound" during "/follow" events
0: don't play sound at all;
1: only play when switching back and forth from selected player, including "/follow [victim|killer];
2: always play switch sound when view changes.
default value: 1
Test/debug cvar. It'll only update the viewangles of the /follow pov this many milliseconds.
default value: 0
When you are following other players and they die don't automatically switch to a different pov, wait this amount of time in milliseconds before switching.
default value: 2000
option to use server pain events to update health value for followed players that normally don't have health information available
default value: 1
hud alpha value when pain event is used to determine health
default value: 255
hud color when pain event is used to determine health value
default value: 0xff00ff
checks demo protocol to determine if only '-' is shown for max health value
default value: 1