Let me put HUD items into the game world via FX scripts: either individual HUD items (really messy), or just "the HUD", so I can take stuff off or put them on. There are a lot of potential uses for this. Add proper alpha/transparency to stencil masks (also fix masks so they actually work). This means add an alpha channel to tga (and png, though they do work differently), or a black and white image alongside jpg. Add mme_saveTransparency, add mme_stencilMask and mme_filterMask or equivalent, and output ALPHA CHANNEL inside tga with this enabled. Change how motion blur works - simulate camera shutter speed, rather than resampling additionally rendered frames. This is very complex, and would be a lot of work. It would be a lot better though. Change how video capture works to make taking individual screenoshots easier - at least MME treats /screenshot and /capture VERY differently, and does not use all the effects or output methods with /screenshot. Make them work the same, or add start/end time or amount of frames for video capture, so you can capture just one image. Orthographic view! Planar view, instead of perspective (dunno the proper name for standard method). Good for levelshots, and some cool scene ideas, instead of having to move 1500000u above the map and change fov to .01. Remove the limitation for r_znear. The only time it will ever be useful is when you need to move 15000000u above the map and change fov to .01, so if orthographic viewmode were added this would be unnecessary.